Маленький Голландский Electronic Avant-Garde Jazz Лэйбл (Amsterdam). Цена дисков невысока (ориентировочно 16у.е. в Москве). Диски характеризует отличное качество звучания и оригинальный фирменный дизайн.


ITEM Artist Titel Reldate Comment
U 07 BUTCHER, JOHN 13 FRIENDLY NUMBERS 4/22/2004 John Butcher's classic debut solo CD. Solo and multitracked saxophones. This is a masterful record which should be investigated by anyone interested in free playing. (Penguin Guide to Jazz)
U 05 CICILIANI, MARKO TILLIUS ROOMS Large scale composition for piano and electronics by Marko Ciciliani with a diverse musical landscape of sounds performed by him and Josh Dillon.
U 03 GRAND MAL PREFECT FIT 4/2/2002 Justin Bennet, Anne Wellmer and Stephie Buttrich fuse minimal electronica and free improvisation in a set of 16 warped and lovely songs.
U 01 KYRIAKIDES, YANNIS A CONSPIRACY CANTATA 4/2/2002 Prize-winning work by Yannis Kyriakides. Eerie vocals and raw electronics combined with unorthodox sound sources characterise these three compositions. With Ayelet Harpaz, Stephie Buttrich and Marion von Tilzer.
U 09 KYRIAKIDES, YANNIS/VEENFABRIEK THINGS LIKE US 7/15/2004 Electronic music theatre by Yannis Kyriakides performed by the VeenFabriek on texts of Spinoza.
U 06 KRAAKGELUIDEN DOCUMENT 1 3 years of live electronic improvisation from the Kraakgeluiden series of improvised music-performances in Amsterdam. Appearing on the CD are over 30 musicians including: Jaap Blonk, Cor Fuhler, Gert-Jan Prins, Anne le Berge, Marko Ciciliani.
U 02 MATTHEWS, KAFFE/ANDY MOOR LOCKS 4/2/2002 Andy Moor's sonic guitar sounds are processed live by Kaffe Matthews in this collection of improvised duos recorded over several years.
U 08 MOOR, ANDY/YANNIS KYRIAKIDES RED V GREEN 4/22/2004 Improvised duos by Andy Moor(guitar) and Yannis Kyriakides (live electronics).
U 04 THERMAL THERMAL 4/3/2003 A set of stunning improvisations by Andy Moor, John Butcher and Thomas Lehn. (electric guitar, saxophones and EMS synth).
  Словарь Яндекс.Лингво


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