Ћэйбл принадлежит компании Discomforme Sl, Spain (зарегистрирован в јндорре). ¬ыпускает музыку так называемого 3 направлени¤ - Progressive&Jazz&Art-Rock и New Age. —овсем новый лэйбл, существует с 2002 года. ƒл¤ коллекционеров представл¤ет несомненный интерес. ƒиски отличаютс¤ полнотой материала, прекрасным качеством записи (High Resolution 24bit Edition). ÷ена на диски такого уровн¤ качества очень низка¤ (ориентировочно 10у.е. в ћоскве).


ITEM Artist Titel Reldate Comment
DISC 1998 Alacran Alacran 31-03-02 Recorded in 1969- Spanish Progressive Rock
DISC 1977 Altona Altona 31-03-02 Recorded in 70Тs- Germany Progressive&Jazz Rock
DISC 1978 Altona Chicken Farm 31-03-02 Recorded in 70Тs- Germany Progressive&Jazz Rock-
DISC 1941 Audience Audience 31-03-02  
DISC 1910 AugerТs Oblivion Express A Better Land 31-03-02 Recorded in 1971
DISC 1921 AugerТs Oblivion Express Best of Oblivion Express 31-03-02 2CD Set-Recorded 1970-75 w/Dragon Song/On the Road/ Oblivion Express/Truth/DonТt Look Away/ Second Wind/Inner City Blues/Brain Damage/Е
DISC 1912 AugerТs Oblivion Express Closer to It! 31-03-02 Recorded in 1973+ 4bonus- w/Light on the Path/ Compared to What/ Voices of Other Times/Е
DISC 1920 AugerТs Oblivion Express Keys to the Heart 31-03-02 Recorded in 1987- w/Pacific Coast Highway/ Sundown/Blue Note Shuffle/ Pools/The Stork/Е
DISC 1915 AugerТs Oblivion Express Live Oblivion 1 31-03-02 Recorded in 1974- w/Begining Again/ DonТt Look Away/BumpinТ on Sunset/ Truth/Е
DISC 1916 AugerТs Oblivion Express Live Oblivion 2 31-03-02 Recorded in 1974+bonus- w/Maiden Voyage/ Second Wind/Inner City Blues/ Straight Ahead/Е
DISC 1909 AugerТs Oblivion Express Oblivion Express 31-03-02 Recorded in 1970- w/Dragon Song/ Total Eclipse/The Light/ The Word/Е
DISC 1917 AugerТs Oblivion Express Reinforcements 31-03-02 Recorded in 1975- w/Brain Damage/ Foolish Girl/The Big Yin/ Plum/Е
DISC 1911 AugerТs Oblivion Express Second Wind 31-03-02 Recorded in 1972- w/Truth/ DonТt Look Away/Just Me, Just You/ Second Wind/Е
DISC 1914 AugerТs Oblivion Express Straght Ahead 31-03-02 Recorded in 1973+bonus- w/Begining Again/ Straight Ahead/BumpinТ on Sunset/ Change/Е
DISC 1924 Auger, Brian Best of Brian Auger 31-03-02 2CD Set - +2bonus
DISC 1919 Auger, Brian Here & Now 31-03-02 Recorded in 1984 +5bonus- w/ Hurricane/Call Me/ Downtop Hookup/The Seeker/ Brian/Heart of the Hunter/Е
DISC 1918 Auger, Brian Search Party Planet Earth Calling 31-03-02 Recorded in 1981 +bonus
DISC 1923 Auger, Brian The Mod Years 1965-1969 31-03-02 +6 bonus
DISC 1901 Auger, Brian & Julie Driscoll Open Us-Cover 31-03-02 w/In and Out/ Isola Natale/ Black Cat/ Tramp/Break It Up/Е
DISC 1906 Auger, Brian & The Trinity Befour 31-03-02 Recorded in 1969 + 2 bonus- w/Pavane/No Time to Live/ Maiden Voyage/Listen Here/ I Wanna Take You Higher/Е
DISC 1903 Auger, Brian & The Trinity Definitely What! 31-03-02 + bonus- w/A Day in the Life/ George Bruno Money/ Far Horizon/ John BrownТs Body/ If You Live/Е
DISC 1905 Auger/Driscoll/The Trinity Streetnoise 31-03-02 Recorded in 1968, 2LP on 1CD- w/Tropic of Capricorn/ Czechoslovakia/Light My Fire/ Ellis Island/ All Blues/Е
DISC 1993 Barrabas Check Mate 31-03-02 Funk
DISC 1990 Barrabas Desperately 31-03-02 Funk
DISC 1965 Keit TippetТs Centipede Septober Energy 31-03-02 2CD Set- Prod. Robert Fripp
DISC 1968 Classical Mechanics Classical Mechanics 31-03-02 Feat. Tommy Eyre
DISC 1971 Collier, Graham Darius 30-03-02 Recorded live at the Cranfield Institute of Technology, in Bedfordshire on March 13th 1974
DISC 1957 Collier Septet, Graham Deep Dark Blue Centre 30-03-02 Recorded in 1969
DISC 1958 Collier, Graham Down Another Road 30-03-02 Recorded in 1969
DISC 1972 Collier, Graham Midnight Blue 30-03-02 Recorded in studio on February 17th 1975
DISC 1960 Collier, Graham Mosaics 30-03-02 Recorded in 1970
DISC 1973 Collier, Graham New Conditions 30-03-02 Recorded on June 2nd and 3rd, 1976 in Nettlebed, Oxfrodshire, England
DISC 1961 Collier, Graham Portraits 30-03-02 Recorded in 1972
DISC 1976 Collier, Graham Something British 30-03-02 "Something British" was written especially for the group's 1985 Far East tour organised by the British Council
DISC 1959 Collier, Graham Songs for My Father 30-03-02 Recorded in 1970
DISC 1974 Collier, Graham Symphony of Scorpions 30-03-02 Recorded on November 7th, 1976 at Ronnie Scott's Club, London
DISC 1975 Collier, Graham The Day of the Dead 30-03-02 2CD Set- Based on the words of Malcolm Lowry Including the unreleased suite Triptych
DISC 1966 Driscoll, Julie 1969-1971 31-03-02 Recorded in 1970
DISC 1033 Embryo Apo-Calypso 31-03-02 + 2 bonus- Feat. Trilok Gurtu
DISC 1032 Embryo Bad Heads & Bad Cats 31-03-02 + bonus- Feat. Charlie Mariano
DISC 1035 Embryo Father, Son & Holy Ghosts 31-03-02 1972
DISC 1031 Embryo Invisible Documents 31-03-02 2CD Set- Jewel 1974
DISC 1034 Embryo La Blama Sparozzi 31-03-02 2CD Set + 2 bonus- Jewel 1982
DISC 1938 Embryo One Night in Barcelona (One Night at the Joan Miri Foundation) 31-03-02 2CD Set- Jewel 1999, Feat. Jurij Parfenov
DISC 1937 Embryo SurfinТ 31-03-02 1974, Feat. Charlie Mariano
DISC 1936 Embryo We Keep On 31-03-02 + 2 bonus- 1973, Feat. Charlie Mariano
DISC 1940 Embryo & Charlie Mariano Life 31-03-02 Featuring Karnataka College of Percussion
DISC 1939 Embryo & Mal Waldron For Eva 31-03-02 Featuring Christian Burchard, 1967 Never released before on any format
SRCD 55301 Fernandez Trio, Agusti One Night at the Joan Mir Foundation 16 th july 1998 30-03-02 With William PARKER & Susie IBARRA
DISC 1969 Harrold, Melanie Blue Angel 31-03-02 Feat. Tommy Eyre
DISC 1980 Hysteriofunk Random 31-03-02 Andorran Progressive Pop/Rock Group!
DISC 1929 Mogul Trash Mogul Trash 31-03-02 First time on CD- + bonus + 4 edition versions + 6 previously unreleased versions
SRCD 55302 Neuronium Caldea Music-2000 31-03-02 New Age- Michel Huygen
DISC 1989 Original Barrabas Best of Barrabas 31-03-02 2CD Set- 1971-1984
DISC 1997 Original Barrabas Bestial 31-03-02 1982
DISC 1995 Original Barrabas Forbidden 31-03-02 1983-1984
DISC 1996 Original Barrabas Piel De Barrabas 31-03-02 1981-1982
DISC 1992 Original Barrabas Power 31-03-02 1973
DISC 1994 Original Barrabas Soltad a Barrabas 31-03-02 1973-1974
DISC 1988 Original Barrabas Watch Out 31-03-02 Featuring Herbie Mann, Ray Gomez and Michael Brecker, 1975
DISC 1991 Original Barrabas Wild Safari 31-03-02 1971
DISC 1953 Riff Raff 31-03-02 1973-1974
DISC 1951 Riff Raff Outside Looking In 31-03-02 + 4 bonus- Never before released in any format, 1972
DISC 1952 Riff Raff Riff Raff 31-03-02 First time on CD worldwide ever, 1973
DISC 1970 Ritual A New Map of the World 31-03-02 Feat. Tommy Eyre
DISC 1964 Tippett, Keith Dedicated to You, but You WerenТt Listening 31-03-02 1971
DISC 1963 Tippett, Keith You Are HereЕI Am There 31-03-02 1970
DISC 1967 Tippetts, Julie Sunset Glow 30-03-02  
DISC 1942 Werth, Howard King Brilliant 30-03-02  
DISC 1943 Werth, Howard Six of One & ½ a Dozen of the Other 30-03-02  
DISC 1962 Winstone, Norma Edge of Time 30-03-02 "One of the best British albums of this year." (Melody Maker 1971), 1972
DISC 1955 Zzebra Panic 31-03-02 First time on CD worldwide ever, 1975
DISC 1956 Zzebra Take It or Leave It 31-03-02 Never before released in any format, 1975
DISC 1954 Zzebra Zzebra 31-03-02 First time on CD worldwide ever, 1974
  —ловарь яндекс.Ћингво


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